Vondie Cook

Many organizations become stagnant because of a loss of vision and a loss of fresh ideas. Our story is one of methodical, thoughtful decisions that have moved us from listless to dynamic.
A few years ago, I was called to lead a stagnant organization. If things did not change, the organization was facing closure. After I accepted the leadership role, we went to work assessing what we had lost, what we had left, how best to leverage what we had, and to gain what we believed we needed to move from stagnant to vibrant. If your organization struggles with stagnation and desires vibrancy, this is the place for you.

About Vondie
Thirty-three years ago, a 24-year-old kid became the lead pastor of what is now Cross Point Church in Beckley, WV. The church had been on a downward trajectory for over a decade and barely survived. If things did not turn around, the leadership knew the church would not exist in ten years. Because of my youth, the church was willing to try something they would not have with a more seasoned leader. After all, a more seasoned leader would not have tried some crazy ideas, like sitting on the roof and waving at traffic.
When young, you make up for lacking experience and wisdom with energy and ideas. A church that was on life support is now no longer stagnant. Ideas and energy, sprinkled with wisdom, have taken Cross Point from $52,000 annually in giving to over $750,000 annually in giving. We have eight paid staff persons and over 75 volunteers each weekend. We moved from a location worth $275,000 to a facility worth over 4.2 million dollars. All of this is accomplished by people who live in what others have said is poverty-stricken Appalachia. I know what it is like to lead when you wonder if the bills will be paid. I also know how it feels to introduce new programming in new facilities.
Learning has always been meaningful. I come from an education family. Because of this, I hold two bachelor's degrees from Warner University, one in secondary education and another in ministry studies. A master’s degree from Liberty University in Religion and a Ph.D. in Organizational Management and Leadership with an emphasis on Servant Leadership from Capella University. Because of a varied education, it has been my honor to consult with organizations seeking polity and structural change, aiding in establishing an endowment for West Virginia Ministries and serving as an adjunct faculty member at New River Community and Technical College.
Every leader has support from those they serve and those who love them. I am blessed to be married to my childhood sweetheart, Lori. We have five adult children, two granddaughters, and a grandson on the way. For fun, we love to kayak, jet ski, golf, and spend time together. Three dogs keep us very busy. Their names are Millie, Remlie, and Winston.
Vondie shared at a statewide event for us. This venue is not easy because of the many different leaders represented. The talk was masterfully done. He remained faithful to the topic request, involved the audience through humor, and concluded with a call to action.
Rev. Mitch Burch
West Virginia Ministries State Pastor

Vondie's Talks

How Organizations Go from Stagnate to Vibrant.
Every organization begins with a vision of what it is called to accomplish. Blood, tears, and sweat are invested in all companies to get them off the ground. Stagnation occurs when loss and other factors cause the group to lose course. How Organizations Go from Stagnant to Vibrant gives hope and direction on moving forward when we are in stagnation.
If you are sensing your organization is stagnating or beginning to stagnate, this talk will provide tools to assess where you are, identify what you have, and give you ways to move from Stagnant to Vibrant.
How Leaders Tame Dragons Without Getting Burned.
People can act like dragons when they feel they are not understood. In stories, dragons stay up in the air and breathe fire. People can exhibit the same characteristics. People get burned when personality conflicts erupt within organizations. Knowing how people are wired gives a leader insight into your organization's human resources. How Leaders Tame Dragons Without Getting Burned gives leaders insight into the different types of people within organizations and how to better deal with them.
We examine how leaders can recognize the Raccoons, Beavers, Mountain Lions, and Collies within their organization. We also explore the needs of each personality type and how to lead each one.

Why Porch Talk is Essential for Leaders.
Growing up in Appalachia, everyone had a porch. People discussed everything on the porch. Life lessons were taught on the porch. Relationships were built on the porch. Leaders today ought to know the value of knowing the people they are leading. This is especially true when you work with Millennials and Gen-Z.
These two generations are quickly becoming the largest workforce the world has ever seen, and relationships are key when leading them. You will learn what porch talk looks like and five ways to maximize your time on the porch.